Family Euro Trip 2022 Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania-Poland
Day 1 we travelled from Estonia all the way to Poland, in total 9 hours of driving. This is the video showing first part of the trip. We started driving 15.04.2022 on Good Friday. Follow us on our trip ‘Family Euro Trip in Motorhome’ at At Polarsteps you can see all our travel stops and watch our journey live.
Thank you for reading!
More from our trip here: #eurotrip #travellingeurope #campervantraveleurope #motorhometravel #poland #warsaw Our YouTube Channel: Please leave a comment below.
So, after many years of the boys asking and an equal amount of us deliberating and resisting we finally decided that it was time to introduce our boys to Avengers Movies. A lot of their school friends had seen the films already but we were not sure that they were ready or if we actually wanted them to watch something that had violence in it. (Maybe we are a little bit over protective as parents)
Easter Sunday
12/04/2020 Was the Corona virus gonna stop us from celebrating Easter this year? HELL NO!!! Well, as long as the Easter Bunny managed not to catch it...
Wednesday 25/03/2020
Merilin also now has a fever along with a cough. All symptoms of corona virus and she was in a bad way. And along with the fact that she had been around the boys all week we made the call that they would most definitely have both been exposed to it already, and there really was no point for me to be self-isolating in the bedroom anymore. The Blackonians needed a hero to save the day and it was up to me to answer the call... ![]()
Tuesday 24/03/2020
After what I would describe as a painful day yesterday I was grateful to wake up this morning with a lower temperature and a little more strength. My temperature was down to at a very respectable 38.5⁰ which at this moment in time I'll take. Although, every inch of me (including my eyeballs) still hurt!
Monday 23/03/2020 Probably the most difficult day yet. I didn't really sleep due to my temperature being just over 39° and the cough going to work on me. So in all honestness I woke up feeling pretty miserable. My breathing today was really restricted and for the 1st time I actually wondered if I may eventually need to go into hospital. I know that Merilin was concerned too, as she didn't stop asking me about it... Sunday 22/03/2020 I woke up today and my temperature had come down to 37.2°. YES! I am BEATING this thing! I have hope that this will all be over soon. In fact I even had the energy to have a shower while my wife changed the sheets on my bed. Inspired by something she had seen online she opted for a Christmas duvet to bring "joy" to this gloomy situation that we find ourselves in... Thanks babe. Really is working. In fact, if the NHS just changed the bed linen from sterile while to Christmas jingles I feel this whole pandemic will be over very quickly! Saturday 21/03/2020 I was raised by women and growing up as a teen and young adult, most of my friends were female. And I always remember hearing the "when a man has a cold... etc" joke. Even today when you look on social media it is the norm to man bash a bloke for getting sick. Like its something that we should feel ashamed of. Don't get me wrong! I work with a pretty diverse team and I agree that sometimes the fellas can be a little quick to deem themselves unfit for work... Man down! Man down! On Friday 20th March 2020 I woke up with a dry cough, high temperature, aching body and the fear and realisation that the dreaded Corona Virus had made it's long awaited arrival into the Blackonian territory. (For those of you who have NO idea what a Blackonian is I'll explain. I am a "Black" man. My wife is an "Estonian" and together we are the "Blackonians". Simple. Anyways, I digress..) Even in the midst of denial "I'm ok" I told my wife, I knew that something was not quite right...
Welcome to BTV (Blackonian TV) Cribs! Tommy and Merilin invite you to step inside their Spanish haven so you may see how "the other half" live. Marvel at the lifestyles of the rich and famous as Tommy takes you on a tour of the apartment shows off his car that you could only DREAM of driving...(NB. He could only dream about it too, as the silly sausage left his driving licence back in the UK and wasn't allowed to drive on holiday. But the less said about that the better, yeah...)
Have you come across a website that you struggle to understand, because it's in another language? Perhaps a blog you are interested in? Our audience is worldwide and multilingual, therefore we decided to do a blog post to give you tips to overcome a language barrier online. It will work with any language on all websites. Have you heard about worldschooling? I knew about home schooling, but I had never heard about worldschooling before. But as it turns out, its the new cool trend that has gone viral all over the world. There are thousands of Instagram accounts of families who are doing exactly that. It’s taking your kids on holiday to learn about other countries, right? Actually there is a lot more to it than that, it’s a lifestyle and a huge commitment. It’s not something you do on weekends or school holidays, you do it all day, every day. Worldschooling is a lifestyle choice and we cannot wait to try it out and see how long we can last. We currently live in UK and every holiday we plan has to be booked well over 6 months in advance and only during half terms. Holiday makers and airlines triple the prices during school holidays and if you try to go during the term time, then you get fined by the school/government. What a world we live in, but I do understand that if you choose public school then you need to make sure your kid attends it. If you don't want to follow the rules then you have an option to home school.
You might have noticed an AirHelp Logo on our website already. So we decided to tell you more about it in this post.
People travel a lot nowadays and flight delays and cancellations are very common. So here is my story...
The purpose of our trip to Marrakech was to celebrate a family member's 40th birthday. We both had never been to Marrakech before, although Merilin had been to Morocco (visited Casablanca and Tanger many years ago).
Authors:The Blackonians Archives
January 2023